I must admit, I'm skeptical when people talk to me about jatropha. All the hype about it and the bloated seed prices just makes me lose interest. I just don't like the idea of a "silver bullet" to solve the energy security and climate issues. This mentality usually leads to new sustainability problems in the future.
Recently, however, I came across research about jatropha as a solid fuel. About 30% of jatropha seed mass is oil. This is what folks usually see. What they don't realize is the remaining mass is a solid fuel superior to coal. Studies of Dr. Manny Biona of De La Salle University show that Jatropha waste cake has higher LHV that coal. It also has more volatile content but less ash and moisture. This makes a more efficient and environmentally sound fuel. When jatropha is cofired with coal, about 1000Btu /lb more energy is released.
Data courtesy of Manny Biona Ph.D., De La Salle University
Note: JC data is for carbonize briquetter, J is for non-carbonized
% is for % Jatropha mixed with coal
Note: JC data is for carbonize briquetter, J is for non-carbonized
% is for % Jatropha mixed with coal
Dr. Biona's team has developed a briquette making process for Jatropha waste cake. He has completed his lab scale tests and is now proceeding to his bench scale pilot. He welcomes partnerships and investments into this activity.

photo courtesy of Manny Biona, Ph.D. - De La Salle University
The use of jatropha briquettes could be a low cost way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependency on foreign coal. Power plants, cement factories and other coal using industries will benefit much from this breakthrough.
This is a good post on jatropha cakes. Interesting way to package jatropha fuel.