I was offline for a few days because my PC crashed. Don't know exactly what happened. It seems like a combination of the effects of the SP3 update and damage to my power cord socket. Anyway, I think I need to purchase a new PC for now.
Before I was cut off from the web, I discovered a very useful software called LEAP. LEAP, or Long range Energy Alternative Planning System, is an application that enables you to model energy consumption, production and resource extraction for different sectors. It can model power and fuel use. According to its website, it is fast becoming the world standard for integrated resource planning and greenhouse gas mitigation assessments.
I tried training exercises posted on the web and discovered the tool's capability to model/forecast power consumption based on population growth and other demographic info. I see this as handy in plotting alternative scenarios based varied interests and stakeholder goals. It appears to be an indispensable tool in participative energy planning.
You can download it from www.energycommunity.org. It is available for free for academics and non-profit organizations.

LEAP screenshot
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